Business Management\Consulting\Audit

At BMG International, we see ourselves not just as consultants but as strategic partners of our clients. We fully immerse ourselves in the client's business processes, offering comprehensive management and development of the company, as well as the establishment of an effective business structure, which contributes to their prosperity in various market conditions. We build our work on a detailed understanding of our clients' businesses and our ability to identify unique opportunities for their development and improvement of financial results. We also actively support the development of companies at all stages of their lifecycle, from startups to large corporations, providing a solid foundation for their growth and success.

Financial Recovery

Description: A set of measures aimed at restoring financial stability and solvency of an organization. Application: Relevant for companies facing financial problems, such as high debt or ...

Working Capital Management

Description: The process of managing corporate assets and liabilities to ensure operational efficiency and financial stability. Application: Assists companies in optimizing inventory levels, ...

Creation and Adaptation of Financial Strategy

Description: The process of forming and adjusting a long-term financial management plan to achieve the company's strategic goals. Application: Important for adapting to changing ...

Financial Instruments Consultation

Description: Providing recommendations on the use of various financial instruments, including debt obligations, stocks, derivatives, etc. Application: Necessary for optimizing capital ...

Financial Project Management

Description: Planning and coordinating the implementation of major financial initiatives. Application: Ensuring the effectiveness of investment projects and strategic developments. ...


Open up the real financial position of your business. Financial audit is not just an inspection; it's a tool for understanding and improving your business. "BMGI" offers a ...